Sunday, April 14, 2013

Final links of the Submission: Experiment One

These are the final Links to work that has been uploaded on the Internet. 

Google Warehouse Uploaded model:
Submission: Sketchup Model uploaded to Sketchup warehouse

Youtube uploaded animations:

This Animation includes an external circular pan of the building, with cutout corners so the viewer can see a small portion of the interior.

2. "ARCH1101 EXP1 2013 SASHA KOWCZ ROSINKE walk through"
This animation features a walk through from the entrance to the building to the main large gallery space where Shinya Kimura's Motor bikes are displayed.

3. "ARCH1101 EXP1 2013 SASHA KOWCZ ROSINKE plans2"  
This animation features a vertical pan of the building from the Domed roof of the level one work room to the Basement kitchen of Jiro Ono. Floor Plans are featured in this animation.

Final Submission - Three animations uploaded to Youtube

Previous Work
The words inspired from images can be found at this link (on my Blog):

The 18 Cross Section sketches inspired by those words can be found at this link (on my Blog):
and more developed cross section Sketches can be found at:

The Textures of different materials can be found at this link (on my Blog):

The Stairs can be found at this link (on my Blog):

Previous Sketchup Models
These 2 models were not completed, due to reasons on the linked pages. They were influential in my design process, and interpretation of the brief. 

The 1st model:

The 2nd Model:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Stair Sketches

These are the initial Sketches of stairs to be used in the 2 building models. 
*please note: The final completed building model is model 3, while model 2 is the sketchup model that i stopped working on 25/3/2013, and model 1 is the model that i initially started, but then discarded because it did not meet the brief, this model 1 can be found at the post from 12/3/2013. 

Model 3: Stairs from Gallery to Shinya Kimura's work place on level 1. They are suspended, a thick external wall will act as the cantilever for this stair. They are spaced out to allow light to travel through them, and to allow peering into other spaces of the building while rising through them. The top step opens out onto the rooftop of the building.
Final Sketchup model of these stairs

The Stairs from Ground level to the Basement are very simple, they just solve the problem of rise, they are bulky and built into the earth. 
Final Model of Stairs from Jiro Ono Basement restaurant to Gallery. 

Spiral Staircase

Model 3: Stairs from Gallery1 to Gallery top floor. They Spiral. Height: 4050
Final sketch-up model of spiral stair

Model 2
Model 2. This building had one very large stair shaft, which contained an elevator in the centre for movement of  motor bikes within the building. This shaft went from Basement - shinya Kimuars work place, to the Gallery space. Height 13000.

Model 2. From Jiro Ono's gallery and reception area, to restaurant on level 1. These stairs are located on the external facade of the building so they are protected from the elements in a glass box, this also allows people on the street to view people inside who are going to the restaurant. Height: 4000

Final Images

These are Screen shots of the final Building

Final Description:
Jiro Ono, world renown for his perfection in the creation of Sushi, has a Kitchen and restaurant in the Basement level of this building. This space has a wide window for panoramic views of the valley beyond. Jiro has also been provided with a wash room / kitchen food preparation room (inspired from watching the film "Jiro dreams of Sushi"), this prep room is easily connected to the kitchen through an opening in the wall between the two spaces, allowing easy movement of food. 
Since Jiro's kitchen and prep room are in the Basement, i have placed Jiro's reception area and fridge (where already prepared food is stored) on the Ground Floor. This is where he greets his visitors and allows them to chose from his ingredients what they would like to be eating on their visit. They carry these ingredients down to the kitchen, where Jiro Creates for them, and allows Jiro to watch them eat his creation. 

Shinya Kimura has 2 main work areas in the building, they are located on the 1st floor. The first floor does not have direct private access, this means that Shinya must travel through his gallery space, and rise through 2 different types of stair cases to reach his work area - this decision was made for a variety of reasons, for example, to maintain an equilibrium of stairs on either side of the internal building (and not to have one bulky area of just stairs), to allow Shinya to walk through his gallery everyday as if he were a visitor, and also to allow visitors view Shinya as he moves around and works. 
Shinya's work, his Motorbikes, seem very raw and pure, so i have made his work area in this style, i have given him two main rooms, one as a storage room for him to store bikes he is not currently working on, and other bits and pieces; and the other room is his work room, this is where his tools are kept, and where he spends most of his time. These two rooms are connected through a rooftop courtyard area, this allows for high levels of cross ventilation through the work room (which is necessary when using heavy machinery), increased environmental connection with the landscape, and it also functions as a nice area to just relax.
Shinya can walk up and down the stairs for movement, but the Motor bikes he creates cannot, so i have created an elevation pad, which normally is part of the floor plate of the work room, but when a bike is finished it can be lowered directly into the gallery, either at the entrance in the foyer area, or on the 1st floor within the Gallery, this floor plate is the mechanism for moving the Bikes from level to level within the building. 

Interesting aspects
This building has many key hole view points, which allow people either inside or outside to peer into some one else's space, this has been incorporated into the building mostly because both artists are just so different that they cannot be directly connected, however through the use of key hole view points, visitors and artists can peer into other places to see what is going on, allowing for a connected building. These view points are not just between the artists as well, there are view points just for visitors to, where visitors can watch, or catch glimpses of the artists at work. 

This Building is located on the ridge of a valley, so it has been build into the landscape.

North Facing Wall. This side of the building is also exposed to a valley view.
The Curved wall of the main Gallery allows visitors to admire the view in a full spectrum, as well as creating an interesting building shape. 

Closer image, peering into Gallery Space, and top of Jiro Ono's restaurant

front Entrance of Building, South wall

Cross Section from West. In this image the 2 main staircases are visible

Cross Section of South wall

Cross Section of East Wall. The Elevation pad is visible. 

Key hole View point into Shinya's store room from top floor of Gallery Space 

Shinya's work space, Level 1, open rooftop area

External Key hole View point. From this window, people can peer in and see people in both artists spaces, Jiro's Gallery/ entrance area and the stairs down to the restaurant, and Shinya's gallery space, with stairs up to Shinya's Work area. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


A selection of 2-3 of these textures will be used in my Sketchup Model, to create materiality in the form. 

The Process: 
We chose 5 Materials, and chose a series of words which describe them, we then drew sketches which describe these words. These are the materials and respective words, the sketches are below. 

          Smooth       Invisible
          Sharp          Luminescent
          Transparent  Reflective

          Cold               Rusted            Jagged
         Raw                Solid                Shiny
          Dull                Sturdy  

Timber / Wood
          Breakable       Aged              Layered
          Natural            Decay            Grainy
          Pattern            Rough            Coarse

Carbon Fibre
           Light            Flexible           Intertwined
           Synthetic      Fabricated      Artificial 

          Destructible     Strong           Bland
          Imperfection     Baulky